The assignment for this week included adding XY points and geocoding. I really found the first portion of this weeks lab assignment helpful. I had never carried out the type of operations in Excel that were demonstrated. I always had a fear of dealing with large amounts of data in Excel and now I know what to do to streamlining the data in order to use in a GIS.
The second part of the lab dealt with geocoding. Geocoding addresses of schools in Brevard County Florida turned out to be a very tedious operation. Slight errors in data or out date information meant that I had to do some research and assign locations to some addresses manually. Choosing locations on a map is not ideal particularly if you are not familiar with the area. I did enjoy creating a web map on ArcGIS Online. The simplicity and custom options available for web maps makes them fun to work with. Link to my web map of geolocated schools in Brevard County: