Thursday, August 12, 2021

 GIS Applications Module 6

This week we continued with our coastal flooding theme from last week with a few additions. First we used the point to line tool to create a path for hurricane Sandy. Along the path we added custom symbology that we created to represent different stages of the storm. We added custom labels to our custom symbology by utilizing VBScript. The map below is the final product of the first part of this weeks module.


The second part of our assignment this week had us put together a survey to assess damage caused by a hurricane using Survey123. The survey created could be utilized to easily collect data from just about anyone with access to a computer or smart device. 

Along with creating the online survey we also carried out some damage assessment analysis of our own. We started by adding raster mosaics to our geodatabase and populating our mosaics with imagery that was obtained prior to hurricane Sandy and after the hurricane made landfall. We focused on small area within the state of New Jersey. We set up new feature classes to catalog damages that were caused within the given study area. Using the imagery we did our best to classify damage based on analysis of the imager provided. To carry out the analysis I used mostly the Swipe tool to quickly see any changes in the two sets of imagery. The screenshot below shows the points I placed that are associated with my damage assessment.  

Finally we used the imagery and damage assessment data we came up with to examine patterns in our data. We digitized a line using our pre storm imager and used it as reference to measure the distance between the pre-storm shoreline and the damaged properties in our study area. I used a multiring buffer and some clipping of my damage assessment layer to determine the damage that occurred within specific distances from the shore. The table below represents the status of structures at 100, 200 and 300 meters from the shoreline within the study area. 

Link to associated story map:

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